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6 signs you might need Hip Replacement Surgery

23 January 2023

Hip Replacement | Dr. Pankaj Bajaj
6 signs you might need Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a common procedure that is performed by a total hip replacement surgeon to replace a damaged or worn hip joint with an artificial joint. The surgery is typically recommended for individuals who have chronic pain in hip replacement joint and limited mobility due to hip arthritis or other degenerative conditions. However, it is not always clear when a hip replacement surgery is necessary.

 The hip replacement symptoms can include:

  •      Persistent hip pain, even while resting
  •      Stiffness in the hip joint
  •      Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected hip
  •      A noticeable loss of range of motion in the hip joint
  •      A "grating" or "catching" sensation in the hip joint
  •      Bone deformities in the hip area

It's important to note that these hip replacement symptoms may be caused by other conditions, and a proper diagnosis can only be made by a total hip replacement surgeon.

Here are six signs that you might need a hip replacement surgery in detail:

Persistent Hip Pain: Chronic hip pain that interferes with your daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or getting in and out of a car, is a common sign that you might need a hip replacement surgery. The pain may be felt in the hip joint itself, or it may radiate to the thigh, knee, or lower back.

Stiffness in the Hip: If your hip feels stiff and difficult to move, it may be a sign that the hip joint is damaged and in need of replacement. This stiffness may make it difficult to bend over or tie your shoes, and it may cause a limping gait.

Limited Range of Motion: As the hip joint becomes damaged, the range of motion in the hip may become limited. This can make it difficult to move your leg out to the side, cross your legs, or rotate your hip.

Bone- on -Bone Grinding: When the cartilage in the hip joint wears away, the bones may begin to rub against each other, causing a grinding or popping sensation. This can be a sign of advanced hip arthritis, and it may indicate the need for a hip replacement.

Inability to Perform Daily Activities: If you are unable to perform your normal daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, or getting in and out of a car, due to hip pain, it may be a sign that a hip replacement surgery is necessary.

Non-surgical treatments not working: If you have tried non-surgical treatments such as physical therapy, medications, or injections, and you are still experiencing hip pain and limited mobility, it may be time to consider a hip replacement surgery.

It is important to note that these signs may vary depending on the individual, and not everyone with hip pain or limited mobility needs a hip replacement surgery. It is always best to consult an orthopedic specialist or total hip replacement surgeon to determine if a hip replacement surgery is the right option for you. They will assess your hip replacement symptoms and may recommend other treatments, such as physical therapy or medications, before considering surgery.

Hip replacement surgery is a major procedure and it requires a significant recovery period. Before deciding to undergo surgery, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks, and to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. However, for those with severe hip pain and limited mobility, hip replacement surgery can greatly improve their quality of life. To know more about Recovery timeline after total Hip Replacement Surgery.

In conclusion, hip replacement surgery is a common procedure that is performed to replace a damaged or worn hip joint with an artificial joint. It is usually recommended for individuals who have chronic hip pain and limited mobility due to hip arthritis or other degenerative conditions. If you are experiencing persistent hip pain, stiffness in the hip, limited range of motion, bone-on-bone grinding, inability to perform daily activities, and non-responding to non-surgical treatments, it is best to consult a total hip replacement surgeon or an orthopedic specialist to determine if a hip replacement surgery is the right option for you.

With the help of a skilledtotal hip replacement surgeon and a proper rehabilitation program, you can achieve total mobility in your hips and live your life without any worries.  Book an online appointment on our website, neemtreehealthcare.com today


 1.Can you get arthritis in a hip replacement?

It is possible to develop arthritis in a hip replacement, but it is uncommon. Hip replacements are typically done to relieve pain and improve function in people who have severe arthritis or other conditions that damage the hip joint. In most cases, the artificial joint, or implant, takes over the function of the damaged joint, which can reduce pain and improve mobility. However, it is possible for an implant to wear out over time or for other complications to occur that may lead to the development of arthritis. If you have a hip replacement, it's important to follow your doctor's instructions for caring for the implant and to have regular follow-up appointments to monitor the implant's function and your own recovery.

2.How long does it take to walk normally after hip surgery?

The length of time it takes to walk normally after hip surgery can vary depending on factors such as the type of surgery, the patient's overall health, and their rehabilitation plan. Typically, most people will begin to walk with assistance, such as using crutches or a walker, immediately after surgery.

Over the first few weeks, patients will gradually increase the amount of weight they put on the affected hip, and will work on improving their range of motion and strength. It's generally expected that patients will be able to walk without assistance within a few weeks to a few months after surgery, but it can take longer for some people.

In general, it can take up to 3-6 months for the person to regain the normal gait and be able to walk comfortably, but it can take longer for some patients. Physical therapy and rehabilitation play an important role in the recovery process, and the person's progress will be closely monitored by the surgeon and the physical therapist to ensure they are making steady progress and to adjust the recovery plan if needed.

3.How do I know if my hip replacement is failing?

Pain in hip replacement joint, groin, or thigh as well as restricted mobility are typical signs that a hip replacement may have failed.

4.How do you know if you need a hip replacement?

Your hip joint is experiencing severe pain, swelling, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Neemtree provides best treatment for Hip Replacement Surgery.



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Dr. Pankaj Bajaj

MBBS, MCh orthopedics , DNB orthopedics , MS orthopedics

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