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Sports Injuries: A Quick Guide to Types, Treatment and Prevention

13 April 2023

Sports Injury | Dr. Pankaj Bajaj
Sports Injuries: A Quick Guide to Types, Treatment and Prevention

Exercise is essential to good health, but people can get hurt when participating in physical activities or sports. Sports injuries involve damage to part of your body due to athletic activities, exercise or sports. Sports injuries can be both acute and chronic. 

People prone to sports injuries are out of shape, exercise without warming up and cooling down, and don’t wear proper protective equipment. Activities involving jumping, running, pivoting, changing rapid directions, or participating in contact sports may include tackling or collisions. 

While mild sports injuries can be treated with exercises and physiotherapy, severe sports injuries treatment in Delhi or other parts requires a visit to the doctor.

Types of Sports Injuries

Achilles tendon: The thick tendon that runs from the rear of your lower leg (calf) to your heel is called the Achilles tendon. It aids in walking. Nonetheless, the tendon can swell, inflame, and stiffen. It may even tear.

Ankle: At the ankle, your leg and foot converge. It has many bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and three joints. Ankle discomfort is a common sign of an ankle sprain.

Elbow: Your elbow is the joint that is a hinge between your upper & lower arm. Individuals frequently endure elbow pain due to repetitive actions and overuse (for example, tennis elbow and Little League elbow). Tennis elbow is a painful condition that happens when tendons in your elbow are overloaded by repetitive wrist and arm motions.

Head: Concussion is among the most common head injuries. Your head includes your skull, brain, and face.

Knee: The complicated joint in your knee is a hinge between your lower leg and thigh. It has tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones. An injured runner's or jumper's knee might result in knee pain. Meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are common injuries.

Shoulder: The shoulder serves as the link between your upper arm and your body's core. It houses your rotator cuff, a collection of tendons and muscles that keeps your upper arm in the shoulder joint. Injuries to the rotator cuff, including tendonitis and tears, are frequent in sports.

Sports Injury Treatment

The RICE method is a standard treatment regimen for sports injuries. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, & elevation.

The treatment method is helpful for mild sports injury treatment. Follow the RICE method within 24 to 36 hours after the injury for best results. It helps reduce swelling and prevent bruising and additional pain in the early days following a sports injury.

Both prescription and over-the-counter medications help treat sports injuries. Most of them offer relief from swelling and pain. You can recover from many sports with rest & at-home strategies.

But for more severe injuries, treatment may involve:


  •      Surgery to correct fractures or repair ligament, tendon or cartilage tears.
  •      Physical therapy (rehabilitation or rehab) to heal and strengthen injured body parts.
  •      Immobilization with a cast, splint, sling, walking boot or another medical device.
  •      Injections to reduce swelling and pain.
  •      Prescription anti-inflammatory medications.

Prevention of Sports Injuries

Warm up properly and stretch the ideal way to prevent a sports injury. Cold muscles are prone to overstretching & tears, example resulting in a pulled hamstring. Warm muscles are more flexible. They can absorb jerks, quick movements, and bends, making injury less likely.

Also, follow these steps to avoid sports injuries:

Use the Proper Technique.

Learn the correct movement patterns for your sport or activity. Various stances and postures are needed for multiple sorts of exercise. For instance, in some sports, bending your knees at the appropriate moment can help you prevent suffering a spine or hip injury.

Have the Proper Equipment.

Wear the right shoes. Ensure you have the proper athletic protection. Ill-fitting gear increases your risk for injury.

Please don't Overdo it.

Be sure to recover from any injuries before continuing the exercise. Try not to "work through" the discomfort.

After giving your body time to heal, you should ease back into the exercise or sport rather than return with high intensity.

Cool down

Remember to cool down after your activity. It involves repeating the same stretching and warm-up exercises.

Resume Activity Slowly

Take adequate rest and resume activities slowlyif the pain doesn't subside meet a sports surgeon

For further course of action

Closing Thoughts

Sports and exercise are essential to good health, but they often lead to injuries. Many expected minor sports injuries can be treated at home with rest and other strategies.

You must seek medical attention if swelling, pain, and bruising fail to improve in a few hours or days. Moreover, despite your best efforts, sports injuries are common. To get the best treatment and fast recovery, platforms like NeemTree Health Care provide a one-stop solution with doctors with years of clinical excellence and world-class technology. Their doctors adhere to the use of world-class technology for innovative care in the area of orthopedics is your best choice.

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Dr. Pankaj Bajaj

MBBS, MCh orthopedics , DNB orthopedics , MS orthopedics

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