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Physiotherapy Vs Rehabilitation

28 December 2022

Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation | Dr. Pradeep Kriplani
Physiotherapy Vs Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy Vs Rehabilitation: Key Differences

The field of physiotherapy adopts a "whole person" perspective on health and wellness, which takes into account the patient's general lifestyle. In the context of an individual's engagement with their environment, rehabilitation is defined as "a series of actions meant to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health issues."

Physiotherapy is focused on a person's mobility needs and potential, offering therapy and rehabilitation to improve, maintain, and restore their full range of motion and functional abilities over their lifetime.

It can be confusing as physiotherapy and rehabilitation are sometimes used interchangeably. Physiotherapy is but one component of rehabilitation, in essence. Physical rehabilitation, which includes physiotherapy as part of your treatment, may be necessary if you are recovering from an injury, have undergone surgery, or have a medical condition that renders you disabled.

Area Of Focus

Hospitals are where the majority of physical rehabilitation treatment is done, including post-operative care and other life-threatening conditions.

Physiotherapy sessions are primarily used to treat conditions that are not life-threatening. The specialists' primary areas of interest include the diagnosis and care of musculoskeletal conditions, such as chronic mobility issues like arthritis and muscular aches, pains, strains, and injuries.

Purpose Of Rehabilitation

Through physical rehabilitation, people with physical disabilities can improve and restore their abilities. Most of these disabilities are caused by harm to the joints, bones, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments, and nerves.

The goal of this therapy is to help patients become more independent. Following a successful recuperation, you can resume your normal life.

The scope of rehabilitation has increased exponentially. It entails brushing up on abilities. As part of the treatment, alternative ways to move or complete tasks may be taught.

Patients get help restoring their physical strength as part of the rehabilitation process. Patients who complete the sessions experience an improvement in their quality of life. No matter the severity of the damage, people learn to do a variety of things.

Purpose Of Physiotherapy

A nearby physiotherapist treats patients with musculoskeletal issues. The professional has a special set of skills and information. The vast majority of these doctors work in the medical industry.

Benefits of Physiotherapy can also help in cardiac rehabilitation, pediatrics, orthopedics, and wound care. Finding the best therapist could be aided by a thorough consultation.

Chiropractors make the greatest physiotherapists for musculoskeletal issues. You can get a customized experience in a treatment center or in a private setting. To acquire top-notch care, make sure you collaborate with an expert.

Physiotherapists are also perceived as teachers. They inform patients on the challenges and protective measures associated with their diseases. A therapist can provide guidance on appropriate recreational pursuits as well.

Types Of Physical Rehabilitation

While each type of rehabilitation serves a different purpose in helping a patient recover completely, their common goal is to help the patient resume leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Occupational, physical, and speech therapy are the three basic categories of rehabilitation.

1. Occupational Therapy

Physiotherapy and occupational therapy (OT) are comparable, however OT focuses more on assisting you in becoming independent in carrying out daily activities (ADL). Each session is tailored to your regular daily habits; these activities could involve cleaning your teeth, dressing, or just getting out of bed. Numerous procedures and treatments might be comparable to those used in physiotherapy. OT focuses on the real action that you need or wish to undertake every day, whereas PT focuses on enhancing the functionality of your body.

Occupational Therapy

2. Speech Therapy

The objective of speech therapy is to enhance fluency, language, swallowing, and communication. Dysphagia, or trouble in swallowing, one of the most prevalent symptoms which can affect your tongue, mouth, throat, or esophagus, might result from a stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cancer, or the healing process after a physical injury.

Dysphasia is the term for when your ability to talk properly is compromised. While some medical professionals use the term "aphasia" interchangeably, others use the term to describe a complete loss of the capacity to speak.

Speech Therapy

3. Physical Therapy

Physical procedures such as exercise, cold and heat treatments, massage, and stretching are used in physical therapy (PT) to treat sickness or injury. Physical therapy (PT) can be administered at a hospital, an outpatient facility, physiotherapy clinic, or even at home. In addition to many other problems, it can help in treating arthritis, joint replacement, sports injuries, knee discomfort, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Dysphasia is the term for when your ability to talk properly is compromised. While some medical professionals use the term "aphasia" interchangeably, others use the term to describe a complete loss of the capacity to speak.

Injury-related dysfunctions and restrictions are treated by physical therapy. This therapy enhances a patient's mobility and functioning capacities.

In physical therapy, a variety of manual treatment methods are employed. Patients' soft tissues and bones become more flexible and aligned because of these techniques. Stretching, functional mobility drills, gait training, balance drills, and therapeutic exercises are all included.

If you have a spine injury, stroke, joint issues, or pain, you can consider physiotherapy. Your rehabilitation from a spine injury goes more quickly with physiotherapy. It also decreases the damage to your neck and back.

Physical Therapy

Final Takeaway

There are significant distinctions between physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Depending on your situation, both are equally advantageous.

Physiotherapy can assist you in regaining your prior level of function or your maximum potential following a catastrophic accident, surgery, fall, sickness, or other events that caused deconditioning.

Though you might experience less pain and have improved balance, endurance, and exercise tolerance, you'll gain more power nonetheless. Physical treatment can reduce falls, stop them altogether, and prevent repeat hospital hospitalizations.

If you’re wondering where’s the best physiotherapy clinic near me and want to consult a nearby physiotherapist from the comfort of your home, just go on to neemtreehealthcare and book a free online consultation.


1. What Is The Difference Between Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation for a patient means getting them back to where they were before. In contrast, physical therapy or physiotherapy is a sort of rehabilitation that can be incorporated into the rehab plan to assist in regaining the body's strength. It can be characterized as restoring the state of good health, or ability to work, or both.

2. Which Type Of Exercise Is Used In Rehabilitation?

Exercise that is prescribed to treat impairments, improve musculoskeletal function, and/or keep a person in good health is known as therapeutic exercise. The advantages of exercise greatly outweigh the hazards in the majority of individuals, according to scientific evidence that cannot be disputed.


Dr. Pradeep Kriplani

Dr. Pradeep Kriplani

Sr. Orthopedic Surgeon
MBBS, Ms (Ortho), Training in Sports Medicine

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