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Traveling After Knee Replacement

06 December 2021

Knee Replacement | Dr. Pradeep Sharma
Traveling After Knee Replacement

Things To Remember For Traveling After Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery is a standard procedure that allows a large no. of patients every year to return to a healthy lifestyle. There are several senior joint replacement surgeons, field practitioners, and researchers in this field of medical science with Prime Orthopaedic implants at their disposal. Numerous medical centres and studies worldwide suggest that you can never predict how well a patient will react to medicines and exercise rehabilitation after a process. However, majority of  patients  come back to activities of daily living and mobilization quicker than anticipated. Because everyone's circumstances and healing process are unique, a patient's preparedness to travel depends on many factors. Travelling by airliner, train, or motor car, especially when combined with tiredness, can be exhausting for everyone, let alone a patient.

Travel should be avoided for at least two to three months after knee surgery; however, if you’ve have a medical history, cardiac history or any other factor or that could make a person more susceptible to an embolism, such as for overweight, consult your physician before leaving.

The Point Of Knee Replacement:

Joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) is a standard treatment that replaces a arthritic, worn out, or infected knee. The majority of replacements are performed on persons between the age of 60 and 80.

Remember This While Discharge:

When you are ready to be discharged, your hospital and doctors will offer you instructions on caring for your knee at home. Initially, you'll use a walker, and a physiotherapist will instruct you workouts to strengthen your leg. Most people will stop using walking aids six weeks after treatment and resume driving six to eight weeks later.


We will be discussing the points separately for walking, car travel and air travel. 

1 - Walking :

Walking can be started as early as next day after knee surgery. Although assistive devices can significantly minimise muscle spasms while standing and walking and provide perfect balance, you will still be restricted in how far you can move.

During the first two weeks

  1. Restrict your walkable journeys to places near your residence and your known paths.
  2. Try to walk with an adored one so that you are not isolated.

2 - Car Travel :

Continuing to drive after joint replacement surgery will most presumably have to be postponed. 

  1. When travelling by car, the amount of time you can relax is constrained.
  2. To assist with convenience, a bigger car will help to move your knee in various postures.
  3. You will need extra space to spread your legs frequently during long road trips. As a result, try to take a back seat.
  4. Carefully plan for multiple stops on extended journeys. You'll have quite enough hours to expand your legs this way.

3 - Flying after knee replacement or  Air Travel 

Several physicians suggest that you prohibit flying for at least six weeks after the surgery.

  1. If you still travel, book perch incorporation if you don't have any financial issues.
  2. Alternatively, reserve a seat close to the alley or near the front of the aircraft soon after business classes have stopped. This will allow you to span your leg out and spread as required.
  3. By gently pertaining pressure to your knees and ankles, compression socks can stimulate the blood cycle. Wearing compression socks throughout the trip can assist you in avoiding formulating DVT.


Question - How soon can you fly after Knee Surgery?

        Ans-  3 to 4 weeks is minimum time before flying safely following knee replacement surgery.

Question- How soon can you travel by car after knee replacement surgery?

        Ans-  Neemtreehealthcare doctors recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before traveling.


Dr. Pradeep Sharma

Sr. Orthopedic & Joint Replacement Surgeon
MBBS, Ms (Ortho), MCh (Ortho), Fellowship

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